Women Working to Raise Community Spirit in Coupar Angus
The YWCA opened in Coupar Angus in 1999 and has been a multi recipient of grants from the Women’s Fund for Scotland.
Funding has contributed to a number of projects including purchasing computers, funding an IT tutor, running an exhibition showing members artwork from workshops and an Open Day letting women experience ‘taster’ sessions of things that are available at the YWCA. And most recently they have linked in with Coupar Angus Regeneration Group to complete a survey of the needs in the area. Any negative issues that arise they want to work hard to combat and to try and raise community spirit in the village.
By helping to give women the opportunity to get more involved in their community the Coupar Angus YWCA has helped raise many women’s self-confidence, given them a sense of achievement and gone a long way to improving community spirit.
“The funding we have received from The Women’s Fund for Scotland, has been crucial in enabling local women and girls to become actively involved in encouraging their community to come together, to make their voices heard, and to promote positive change for the town.”
Shona Burge, Centre Manager