Usually Annual General Meetings are dry business affairs but not when they are hosted by Home-Start ambassador, Kaye Adams.
Along with Women’s Fund for Scotland Ambassador, Carol Dunbar, I attended the Home-Start Glasgow North AGM on Monday 23rd October. This is an organisation which received funding from the Women’s Fund in 2015.
Kaye led an interesting discussion with the Head of Children’s Criminal Justice Services in North East Glasgow on the importance of third sector involvement in the early intervention and support of families to help reduce the number of children being taken into care. This highlighted to me the ever- increasing role of the voluntary sector. We also heard from the Manager of their Bluebell Post Natal Depression group and saw a heart- warming example of Virtual Interaction Guidance (VIG) which uses video to help families learn and reflect on how they interact with their children and other family members.
Home-Start Glasgow North is thriving and growing both geographically into North Lanarkshire as well as expanding the services they provide to families in their area. We wish them well with the marvelous work they do.
Women’s Fund for Scotland Development Board Member