Unfortunately, we do not fund individuals.
There are, however, a few search engines and directories (directories are usually available in public libraries and colleges, all good bookshops, as well as from the publishers’ website) of grant-making trusts which list organisations and charities that do support individuals. Although many have strict application criteria, it’s worth wading through them to see if you, or your project, fit the bill.
Useful links
The Scholarship Hub enables you to search and apply for UK scholarships, grants or bursaries for university on their comprehensive database of funding for UK/EU undergraduates and postgraduates.
Search Funding Scotland , a free online search engine, with over 900 records of funds which help Scottish projects. It can help you track down funding you need from small grants to funding for big capital projects.
Similarly, Funds Online enables you to instantly identify grants that may be available to you. Enter criteria specific to your need and find the trusts likely to fund you, how much they are likely to give, any exclusions they may have, and how to apply.
The Prince’s Trust, offer Development Award cash grants to help young people into education, training and employment. Also funding and support if you’d like to set up your own business through their Enterprise programme.
Directory of Grant Making Trusts
Published in association with The Charities Aid Foundation, this publication lists trusts that award money to companies, charities and individuals.
The Educational Grants Directory
This publication lists sources of funding for students looking for help up to first degree level. Also contains a guide to loans and sponsorship available.
Charity Choice
Charity Choice has an online directory of charitable organisations. It also publishes Charities Digest which provides details and information for over 5,000 organisations; it also includes useful sources of legal advice as well as contact names and registration number for each entry.
The Grants Register
Leading source for up-to-date information on the availability of, and eligibility for, postgraduate and professional awards. This guide is usually available in libraries.
Turn2US is a national charity that helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services.
Specifically for those who are looking for financial help with their education, click here, for some more information and ideas.
We can also suggest The Guide to Grants for Individuals in Need 2024-2025 by Ross Hardy which is full of ideas which could help you obtain the funding you need as an individual. This book and books like this will be available to borrow from libraries – you can check there first to save money!
You may be able to access something similar to this via your local library http://www.idoxopen4community.co.uk/edinburgh/
Go back to your previous school, college or University and ask if they might be able to help or know of other resources.
Speak to professional organisations or charities in the field you want to go into.
Think about starting up a crowdfunding initiative – but take advice before beginning as this can affect existing benefits.
Turn to your favourite search engine and type in a search phrase specific to your needs – you might find something useful and relevant.
Lastly you could consider a career development loan – more information here: https://www.gov.uk/career-development-loans/overview