Why should I give to the Women’s Fund for Scotland?
The Women’s Fund for Scotland is one of the most experienced Women’s Funds in the UK. The Women’s Fund for Scotland makes a difference to women’s lives and in tandem her family and the needs of the wider community are met too.
We’ve recently launched our Women’s Impact Network (WIN) to create a movement of those who want to be part of our efforts to influence change and create impact for women and girls in Scotland. Join online or email me to find out more. It’s open to all – join us and become a WINner.
Our mission
Our mission is to make grants to projects across Scotland that support women’s growth, self-sufficiency and social economic equality.
- Targeting funding where the need is greatest based upon our knowledge, experience and reach
- Have a reach into communities across Scotland that cannot be easily matched by individuals
- Support both registered charities and constituted community groups
- We are a knowledgeable conduit to projects and small groups across the country
- Are professional grantmakers who can follow up grants for reporting and evaluation purposes
- Show flexibility and responsiveness to groups who have an emerging need
- Are often the sole contributors to a group which may help them access larger sources of funding
- Find that our grants promote the start-up and development of small community based groups
- Find that our grants can be the catalyst that allows groups to innovate and expand
- Build awareness amongst women about supporting women’s organisations in Scotland
- Have given £3 million to over 640 women’s groups since 2002
- Invest on behalf of donors, in women’s groups across Scotland, for the benefit of the whole community
- Keep donors up to date with community needs and offer themes for investment saving the donor the time and effort of doing this by themselves
- Have flexibility to allow donors a degree of control and decision making over where their investment goes
- Offer donors opportunities to network with each other and with community based women’s groups
- Know that giving enriches lives
- Know that access to a network like the Fund allows women philanthropists to make their giving more strategic
- Helps donors to achieve maximum impact – by giving as part of a Fund grants can be much more effective
- By giving to the Women’s Fund donors can make full use of tax efficient giving that they could not achieve if they give directly to a group that is not a registered Charity
- The Women’s Fund for Scotland will invest your donation wisely for the benefit of women and girls across Scotland
- Knows that investing in women yields high development results and healthy economies and societies – this knowledge is backed up by the UN Women’s Fund
- Signpost groups onto other funds and charities that will support their work
- Provide fundraising tips and advice to groups to further their own fundraising activities