Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
To cover the costs of delivering the Wild Roots for Women programme from a period of 6 months.
Year of grant: 16/3/2024
FR Number: FR-0076073
Amount awarded: £4322
Location: Grantown
Full description
This project is aimed at mum's who struggle to get outside by themselves, with their children or with their friends due to lack of confidence and skills. The sessions will run fortnightly between the hours of 10-2pm to cater for school/nursery drop off's and pick ups. The project would focus on these key areas. Those areas would include navigation (both for hill walking and biking), bike repair, emergency first aid, survival scenario's, water safety and wild camping. The sessions would run from January to May 2024 culminating in an overnight expedition wild camping. The outcome would be that all the women would feel confident adventuring safely in the outdoors independent of the group by June 2024. The funding would cover the costs of the sessions and the wild camping expedition. Able2Adventure already own the equipment and have insurance and risk assessments in place for the delivery of the activities. There would be one last session three months after the expedition to review the activities and the women's ability to lead their own adventures.