Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards developing and delivering two courses in beauty therapy for 24 unemployed vulnerable women.
Year of grant: 27/11/2019
FR Number: FR-0050592
Amount awarded: £4942
Full description
The grant will cover the costs of staff time (£4,300), a specialist nail course (£3,500), beauty materials (£700), accreditation awards (£360), client and volunteer travel costs (£624), and advertising flyers (£400). This will allow the charity to develop and deliver two courses in beauty therapy with the aim of encouraging up to 24 unemployed women to receive support and careers advice. The group hope that by running a course specifically for vulnerable women it will mean they will be able to support a hard to reach and marginalised group in society in a way that engages them. The charity expects that in the next year it will help 24 women and 4 volunteers through this project.