Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
To create a bespoke supported network and mentored course for local young women to learn autonomous and collaborative digital and creative skills to platform their voices and enhance their employment opportunities in the creative and media industry.
Year of grant: 13/2/2023
FR Number: FR-0067015
Amount awarded: £3000
Location: Hawick
Full description
This summer saw us work with a group of young Scottish Borders and Hawick-based women alongside service users of Border Women's Aid. Together we spent 2 month making a film that explored the message of the groups choosing: an aim to communicate a contemporary understanding of domestic violence which focused on digital abuse and the effects of gender based violence on younger women that do not necessarily live with partners in a domestic setting.
The project saw participants story-board and problem solve how to communicate a heavy and important subject matter into something that could be disseminated and make impact, all in a create arts-led way through film. They then created a short film addressing the challenge in an engaging way.
Responding to need, we would like to further our work with this group by providing a new opportunity for the young women involved, based on feedback regarding gaps in local provision of tools for empowerment and development.
Film Town Team will see Alchemy develop a bespoke and resourced media team made up of local women facing significant social and/or economic barriers.
This project will create a bespoke supported network and mentored course for local young women to learn autonomous and collaborative digital and creative skills to platform their own voices, stories, conditions and ambitions. It will be run by our experienced team here which includes a female Director and Producer, with guided mentorship, access to resources, supported and safeguarded creative learning sessions and support to create outcomes which platform and reflect the voices of the women involved.
By the end of this project each female participant will have the tools and capacity to create films, create digital means of self-expression, have a developed sense of collaboration, and have advanced opportunities for employment and overcoming social barriers.