Investment theme: Moving on from abuse
to contribute towards providing training for trainers/volunteers.
Year of grant: 13/9/2016
FR Number: FR-0037978
Amount awarded: £21000
Location: Kilmarnock
Full description
The grant would contribute towards Wellness Recovery Action Planning® (WRAP®) facilitator training for women survivors to deliver WRAP® sessions to other women survivors on a peer support basis. Costs for year 1 and 2 (£7,930) are to deliver the training once in each year, and the costs for year 3 (£5,185) is for a refresher course that facilitators must undertake every two years. WRAP® is a self-management and recovery system featuring wellness and recovery approaches that help people to decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and behaviours, increase personal empowerment, improve quality of life, and achieve life goals. WRAP® can help individuals to monitor distressing feelings and behaviours and reduce, modify or eliminate them. At least 20 women will become WRAP® facilitators with a further 230 benefitting from WRAP® activity sessions.