Investment theme: Building skills and confidence, Growing social connections, Improving health and well-being
To deliver "Social Stitches" session to develop textile crafts bringing together women enhancing skills, confidence, mental health and wellbeing and developing social connections.
Year of grant: 16/3/2024
FR Number: FR-0076139
Amount awarded: £3500
Location: Langholm
Full description
If successful in the fund we would like to use the funding to continue the delivery of our ?Social Stitches? project which currently comprises of 4 bi weekly and 1 weekly social group which bring together a wide range of individuals with a shared love of textile crafts across a rural locality.
These sessions will be held in;
- Langholm - weekly
- Langholm evening - bi weekly
- Canonbie - bi weekly
- Eskdalemuir - bi weekly
- Kirkpatrick Fleming - bi weekly
The funding will support the salary of a member of staff hosting the groups, hall hire at the different locations, marketing budget to be able to reach the wider community and admin and evaluation costs of running the groups. The groups are aimed at everyone joining in but the vast majority of the participants are women over the age of 50.