Investment theme: Growing social connections
to contribute towards the cost of running a Mums Support Group.
Year of grant: 2016
FR Number:
Amount awarded: £2,000
Location: Glasgow
Full description
A grant will enable the Daisy Chain project to run a Mum’s Support Group for 32 vulnerable mothers in Govanhill. It will cover the cost of room hire (£440), catering (£660), expenses for outside speakers (£275), materials (£440) and volunteers’ expenses (£50). The staff costs associated with the project (£2345) will be met from another grant which has not yet been received. The group will meet fortnightly and will provide access to opportunities for socialising and relaxation. Additionally, issue-based workshops will be organised on topics identified by the group. During the meetings, the children will be cared for in an adjacent space. This will ensure that child care issues will not present a barrier to attendance and participation.