Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards running two cycling events for women.
Year of grant: 13/4/2015
FR Number: FR-0032932
Amount awarded: £2000
Location: Dunbar
Full description
The grant will cover the costs of organising three women?s events during the summer. Firstly, the second year of a Women?s Cycle Forum (WCF) during Edinburgh?s Festival of Cycling, which includes the costs of venue hire, refreshments, speaker expenses and publicity (£950). Last year CTC Scotland hosted UK?s first WCF which attracted 55 women and it is hoped that this will increase to 70 participants this year. The forum will develop networks and support action to change as cycling is still a very male dominated activity. Secondly, to cover the tutor costs (£250) of running a free ?Learn then Ride? event for 30 women who are new to cycling, as part of Edinburgh?s Festival of Cycling and thirdly, to pay for a Cycle Trainer course (£800) for two volunteer leaders from ?Edinburgh Belles on Bikes? to enable them to facilitate more ?Learn then Ride? events in the future.