Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
Funding towards core programmes, namely ESOL classes, skills based subjects, social, health & wellbeing groups, obtaining SQA-accredited qualifications, VAWG awareness workshops, connecting cultures project.
Year of grant: 27/2/2023
FR Number: FR-0067258
Amount awarded: £5000
Location: DUNDEE
Full description
We are applying for core funding to help to keep all of the Centre's projects running.
At this difficult time our services are needed more than ever,. As well as offering all of our weekly classes and groups, we are now providing a Cosy Space with hot drinks for women to use to save themselves money on heating and free WiFi .
For over fifty years we have worked with the most marginalised and isolated women, particularly from BAME communities. It is vital that they can feel safe and respected in their environment and we are the sole female-only centre in Dundee which welcomes women from every culture, faith and community. We have no religious or political affiliations.
Our members say that they love the feeling of openness and respect they get from DIWC and that it feels like home. DIWC offers social, educational and training activities such as adult learning, social groups, work placements, and cultural events. These encourage active participation, empowering women and providing a channel for their voice in the local and wider community.
Our activities:
? ESOL classes
? Skills based subjects ?Digital, French conversation, Sewing, Arts & Crafts
? Social, Health & Wellbeing groups
? Weekly Job Search sessions
? Qualifications ? DIWC is an SQA Centre, accredited to teaching Playwork/Childcare, Employabilityand Working with Others.
? Violence against women project to increase awareness of the definition and causes of VAW
? Connecting Cultures project to increase understanding and awareness of on-line grooming and extremism.