Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards running the VIP Girls Group for Young Carers.
Year of grant: 10/12/2018
FR Number: FR-0046873
Amount awarded: £8332
Full description
The grant will contribute towards the costs of staff (£1,497.60), art materials, refreshments and outings (£3,090) and transport costs of (£3,745) to run the VIP Girls Group for Young Carers weekly Friday sessions for up to 30 young women aged 12-15; helping each one move towards a positive sense of identity and self-esteem, exploring body image, emotions and ambitions in a safe environment. Led by an experienced development worker and two sessional workers, there will be three eight-week cycles each with 8-10 participants. The aim is to intervene at a critical time, promoting self-worth, and dealing with negativity, especially around social media and developing ideas for future aspirations.