Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards the cost of delivering 2 x 12 week intervention sessions for girls aged 13-17.
Year of grant: 6/12/2017
FR Number: FR-0042405
Amount awarded: £3900
Location: Galashiels
Full description
The grant would cover the costs of activities (£1,000); food (£300); materials & resources (£300); a residential (inc travel, food, etc: £1,800); and travel/transport (£500) to organise 2 x 12 week intervention groups for young women following a set programme which,, through individual and groupwork activities, participants will be supported to engage with their peers, explore issues, build knowledge, learn new skills and build trusting relationships.. Over the last 12 months TD1 has seen a pattern developing of girls aged 13 - 17 year old not getting the support they need to thrive as young women, many lacking the confidence and skills to try new things and who don?t have appropriate people to speak to about young women?s issues. Up to 24 young women would benefit.