Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards the cost of hall hire and tutor fees to run 15 Reiki sessions and 15 exercise classes.
Year of grant: 6/12/2016
FR Number: FR-0038984
Amount awarded: £1950
Location: GLASGOW
Full description
A grant will enable EKTA to provide a programme of weekly meetings for 25 elderly women from Sikh community in Giffnock. It will cover the cost of venue hire (£750), and specialist tutors for REIKI and armchair exercise (£1200). The sessions will offer exercise and relaxation classes, craft skills development opportunities and input from local organisations on health and social care issues. The women who attend the group will have few other opportunities for social interaction outside their families. The sessions will help them to feel more engaged in the community which will improve their wellbeing and the activities will directly improve their physical health.