Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute to the cost of a programme of workshops, activities and information sessions.
Year of grant: 26/6/2014
FR Number: FR-0030025
Amount awarded: £2000
Location: Elgin
Full description
This application is towards the cost of providing 100 hours of youth work targeted specifically at young women. The proposed programme aims to encourage and teach young women how to adopt a healthier life style and gain other life skills. The programme will include Menu Planning within a Budget, to show the young women how to cook cheap but healthy meals, shopping effectively for food, following a menu plan and socialising with others within a budget. Life Skills topics would include budgeting, (utilities, food, clothing, outings, phones etc.); banking, (which bank to join; completing forms etc) and team building to allow the young women to find out about fitting into a team, gaining confidence, peer support and assertive behaviour. The programme will have a mixture of fun workshops/activities and information sessions as well as an introduction to accessing services and agencies that are available in the area. The organisation has already identified £1,000 towards the total cost and the £2,000 grant would go towards sessional worker hours (100 x £10 ph); course materials & specialist tuition for sport/physical activities (£700); publicity and volunteer costs (£300). At least 50 young women would be expected to benefit.