Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
To support a gymnastic coach through their level 3 qualification.
Year of grant: 4/4/2014
FR Number: FR-0029421
Amount awarded: £659
Full description
To support a gymnastic coach through their level 3 qualification. This qualification is needed to run a club. Fife Gym Club have two head coaches who are pensioners, and in order to future proof the club, we need another coach qualified at level 3. Ongoing top class mentoring will be provided by the head coaches on an ongoing basis. Likewise, when a few gymnasts are competing or our head coaches are on holiday, the club has to close due to the fact that we do not have anyone else qualified and insured to run the training sessions. We would also like to purchase an IPAD with an application called 'coaches eye'. This will be of huge benefit not only to the coaches, but also the gymnasts, to be able to view correct shapes and methods etc. Level 3 courses do not come up very often in Scotland and usually involve travelling to England. This particular level 3 course is being held in Lasswade by the Scottish National Coach on behalf of Scottish Gymnastics.