Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
To contribute to the annual costs of the 'Time 4 Mum' project helping isolated mothers/carers to (re-)build their confidence, resilience and independence, thereby reducing social isolation and improving their health & wellbeing.
Year of grant: 27/2/2023
FR Number: FR-0067492
Amount awarded: £5000
Full description
We are applying for funding to enable us to continue to deliver and develop our Time 4 Mum Project over 2023-24.
Women will be matched with a trained and supported volunteer who will help them explore their options and will attend places / classes with them until they feel confident and able to attend on their own and have begun to develop networks and relationships of their own. The project ideally offers support for around 16 -20 weeks so as not to create a dependency.
The women who will benefit have lost sight of themselves since becoming a parent or carer , are isolated, lack confidence, impacted by mental and / or physical health issues and need support to rediscover an activity they used to enjoy or explore and discover a new interest or activity.
Day to day management and delivery is undertaken by the Lead Worker who recruits and trains volunteers and matches them with women, mainly, but not exclusively,, Mums. The Lead worker has been employed with Firsthand Lothian for 6 years brings a great deal of experience of supporting parent/carers 1:1 and is skilled at encouraging participants to think about what they would like to achieve or discover. She will recruit, train and support volunteers and will use her expertise and knowledge to carefully match volunteers and with women participating based on interests and personalities.
The Lead Worker will carry out and record assessments and reviews with women who engage in the project and provide information and feedback for reporting purposes.
We are seeking funding towards the salary costs of the Lead worker and admin support involved in the delivery of the project.