Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards salary costs, accommodation and delivering workshops.
Year of grant: 16/12/2019
FR Number: FR-0050564
Amount awarded: £10000
Location: ABERDEEN
Full description
The grant will contribute to the cost of staffing (£10,000). This will help to fund a new part time post (20 hrs per week) to deliver a new project called The Freedom Programme. This will introduce a new range of group work support to their service users. This has been prompted by feedback from existing service users to who have appreciated the one to one support on offer but would welcome opportunities to meet up with other women in the same position and would offer support to women on their waiting list for individual support. As well as regular support groups, coffee mornings, trips and social activities, the worker will be trained to deliver an established 12 domestic violence programme which explores the roles played by attitudes and beliefs on the actions of abusive men and responses of victims and survivors. It aims to help women to make sense of and understand what has happened to them and examines how children are affected by being exposed to this kind of abuse. They expect at least 50 women to benefit from this support in the coming year.