Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards the cost of room hire, materials, volunteer training and the three events only in the Celebrating Diversity: Scottish Women's Voices project.
Year of grant: 15/6/2018
FR Number: FR-0044312
Amount awarded: £3652
Location: Edinburgh
Full description
The grant will contribute to the cost of materials/room hire (£2112); volunteer training (£1000); 3 events (£540); publicity (£350); insurance (£100) and admin/HR (£730 to deliver ?Celebrating diversity: Scottish Women?s Voices?. This will involve a series of 10 small group sessions aimed at particularly vulnerable women, led by volunteers. They will look at issues such as overcoming social isolation and building self-esteem and will progress on to opportunities for women to develop their voice through creative self-expression. Three events will be planned to involve the women in social activities including a celebration of the centenary of the Women?s Right to Vote, another for International Women?s Day and a third entitled Grassmarket Women: Our Voices Matter. They estimate that a total of 25 women will benefit.