Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
To support the delivery of a multi-year health project that will aim to raise awareness of bleeding disorders in women and girls.
Year of grant: 16/3/2024
FR Number: FR-0076174
Amount awarded: £9000
Location: Edinburgh
Full description
The aim of our Female Factors project is to empower and support women & young women living with bleeding disorders in Scotland by providing a platform for education, community-building, and access to specialised resources. Through informative sessions and meaningful connections, we aim to enhance the well-being and resilience of these women, fostering a stronger, more informed community.
Funding will support the delivery of conferences, events and other project activities for women and young women across Scotland. We will work across the country, in conjunction with the Haemophilia Centres based in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow & Inverness.
Activities will include:
Dedicated women & young women only conference in Spring 2024 & 2026.
Series of presentations, eg Talk from a carrier/person with a bleeding disorder; Talk from a gynaecologist; ?How to get a GP to take seriously that you might have a bleeding problem.?; Lyn Wild from Talking Red.
In person and online discussions, eg When to disclose you have a bleeding disorder/carrier status; Educating young girls/carriers; Aging with a bleeding disorder; Travelling abroad as a carrier.
Women?s group which gathers women together both in person and via a closed Facebook group.
Website and social media campaign in conjunction with The Haemophilia Society to raise awareness of women and bleeding disorders. Targeted awareness raising with such as Primary care providers (e.g. GPs, dentists, midwives) and NHS Education for Scotland.
Redevelopment of women?s section on our website and provision of up-to-date literature, eg ?Where?s Mary?? women?s information booklet.
Development of further resources and projects, led by and designed by our Women?s Committee.