Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards the salary costs of the Project Co-ordinator, volunteer traning and expenses, outings, staff travel and mobile phone expenses and overheads.
Year of grant: 22/3/2017
FR Number: FR-0039987
Amount awarded: £5000
Full description
The grant will contribute to the costs of coordinating and supporting 10 volunteers for a year. Project Coordinator (£17,850), staff travel (£400), telephone costs (£100), volunteer training (£500), volunteer?s expenses (£600), local outings for families (£200), overheads and administration (£250). The Project Coordinator will support the volunteers, following recruitment and training, to befriend and support 10 young mothers and 17 children. Activities such as parent-child play sessions, reading, outings to a soft play centre and informal counselling builds positive relationships that can improve confidence and allow families to move on from trauma or other significant barriers. As emerging needs are identified volunteers will be offered relevant training, for example, autism awareness or baby and child first aid.