Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards providing a creche facility for service users.
Year of grant: 18/3/2015
FR Number: FR-0031930
Amount awarded: £1985
Location: GLASGOW
Full description
The grant will support the provision of a sewing class for 30 women in Sighthill. Funding will pay for a crèche provided by Maryhill Mobile crèche covering the cost of 2 creche workers (£1440), hire of the crèche room (£320), insurance (£25) and snacks for the children (£200). The availability of the crèche will make it possible for women with children under 5 to attend the class. A grant of £9046 has been awarded by Awards for All to cover the cost of the classes themselves. Women from asylum seeking and refugee communities already face significant perceived barriers to community participation and consequently experience isolation. The availability of the crèche removes a major practical barrier to participation.