Investment theme: Growing social connections
To support the provision of a free craft taster session for 40 women at the Leith Festival in June
Year of grant: 4/4/2014
FR Number: FR-0029231
Amount awarded: £317
Full description
The application will support the provision of a free craft taster session for 40 women at the Leith Festival in June and a stall at the festival?s Gala day. Funding will support the cost of a stall at the Festival (£58), materials for the craft session (£262) and general publicity material for the group (£44). The session will provide a platform for the group to promote its activities and engage the interest of women in the area. Equally the stall will enable it to raise its profile in the area and promote group membership. The Leith Festival attracts participants from across Edinburgh. It is a high profile event attended by families. It offers a low cost opportunity to reach a high number of women.