Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards delivering the LBT Women's Wellbeing Programme.
Year of grant: 10/12/2018
FR Number: FR-0046822
Amount awarded: £9950
Full description
£9,950 is requested to fund a 1-year Women?s Wellbeing Programme for LBT clients. This includes a £5,051 contribution to staffing costs, £3,110 towards workshop costs, £1,339 of core costs and £450 in printed resources. Over the course of the year, 60 will attend quarterly, half-day therapeutic workshops. 25 will also attend a monthly wellbeing group, with 15 individuals undertaking a 6-week, 3-hourly ?Coming Out? course. Through both formal and informal activities, they hope to build an awareness of health issues and the resilience to make informed choices. Informal activities will include trips to local visitor attractions. Issues addressed will include alcohol misuse, smoking, mental health and body confidence. Similar work already takes place in their existing programmes for all beneficiaries, but this will have a specific LBT focus.