Investment theme: Growing social connections
To contribute towards delivering the Link In with Link Up project.
Year of grant: 10/12/2018
FR Number: FR-0046868
Amount awarded: £7322
Full description
The grant will pay for a Link Worker for 8 hours a week (£6672); travel expenses (£650) and volunteer costs (£500). The role of this new post will be to increase the support and opportunities available to the women by identifying and establishing relationships with local agencies specifically dealing with the issues they commonly experience. From this a data base of pertinent organisations including criteria for referral will be created. A volunteer 'buddy' system will be developed to support members access services both within and external to the centre by identifying and addressing barriers to accessing help, assist with making contact and attending appointments. Systems to ensure that support structures are in place for volunteer buddies will be implemented. A total of 60 members aged 16 ? 65 will benefit with 5 new volunteers.