Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards the weekly girls group and delivering a programme of activities.
Year of grant: 16/12/2019
FR Number: FR-0050566
Amount awarded: £6950
Location: ISLE OF SKYE
Full description
The grant will cover the cost of staffing the Girl?s Group for a year @ £15 per hour for 5 hours per week (£3900), hall hire (£1340), resources (£300), food (£470), Youth Scotland i-lead training and awards (£1710), camping trip (£620), panto visit in Inverness (£716), Clay Studio visit in Inverness (£543), Body image consultant session (£300) and 3 Cross tour Action Cameras to film their activities as part of the service monitoring and evaluation (£92). Funding will allow the Girls? Group to run weekly, and new activities will be developed to help them to develop life skills, raise self-esteem and aspirations, encouraging them to become peer educators using everyday leadership skills, as well as improve their body image, develop healthy relationships and have fun. They estimate that 40 girls will benefit over the year of funding.