Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
To part fund tutor costs, mileage and materials to run a programme of rural skills and training for women.
Year of grant: 27/2/2023
FR Number: FR-0067126
Amount awarded: £2856
Location: Lairg
Full description
Provide subsidised learning for 100 rural, isolated women and girls who are disadvantaged people in Sutherland. 23 workshops will be held in felting, fencing, drystone dyking, corn dollies (straw crafts), willow weaving, animal care, woodworking and crofting. The grant will pay for 75% of tutor fees and 100% of tutor mileage and materials to allow classes to be priced at a heavily subsidised rate. Free spaces will be available to people who can?t afford to pay. Classes will be delivered in Lairg, primarily at our training centre.