Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
To organise a series of weekly activity sessions for older BME women
Year of grant: 27/2/2023
FR Number: FR-0067377
Amount awarded: £4992
Location: Paisley
Full description
Paratha in the Park project group has 16 women older BME women who will benefit from activities, they experience multiple disadvantages, are isolated and most at risk. The project will deliver fortnightly activities for women.
The Grant will contribute towards the costs of a range of indoor and outdoor activities and learning workshops for the group including booking costs, entry fee costs, refreshment costs, costs for workshop materials for group activities at centres and venues in and around Glasgow, each session will last up to 4 hours.
This will include physical activities, walking sessions, gym sessions, swimming lessons, activities which will promote and encourage movement and mobility and workshops with partner agencies, for example NHS Improvement Teams, NHSGGC, The Advocacy Project where women will learn skills, learn and get support to combat poverty and build financial resilience?s, develop leaderships, grow social connections.
The group activities focus on Building skills and confidences, improving health and well-being, helping to grow social connections and building resilience.