Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards delivering 40 Nourish Workshop sessions.
Year of grant: 10/12/2018
FR Number: FR-0046833
Amount awarded: £5464
Location: Elgin
Full description
The grant will cover the costs of a sessional worker (£2,400), volunteer travel expenses (£400), venue hire (£1400), food (£1000), food containers (£100), Kitbag (£55), PVG check (£59), and printing costs (£50). The organisation will recruit a qualified sessional worker to deliver 40 nourish sessions to parents and toddlers; Nourish is a 5-week programme that develops basic cooking skills and provides guidance on healthy eating, through practical cookery workshops. Lead by the tutor in the first week, the group then decide by consensus which meals they will cook next. Working in partnership with Children 1st, they will engage 40 girls, women and children in small groups of five participants for one and a half hours each session. The project will improve the physical health and wellbeing of participants but also support the development of positive peer-to-peer and parent-child relationships.