Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards delivering the Wild About Women's Wellbeing project.
Year of grant: 16/12/2019
FR Number: FR-0050603
Amount awarded: £9905
Location: MELROSE
Full description
The grant will contribute to the costs of hiring 2 group session leaders for 30 sessions plus 3 planning and review sessions (£8250), volunteer and participant travel (£816), food materials and tools for the sessions (£671) and a contribution towards printing, PR, insurance and office support (£168). This will enable the group to run a series of woodland activities to young women aged 12-25, who have been affected by abuse and/or have poor mental health, to create a forest garden in a neglected woodland in Galashiels. Activities will include woodland management tasks such as; coppicing trees, pulling up weeds, growing fruit and veg in raised beds; and cooking healthy meals on fire. The participants will also create natural artworks, learn green woodworking techniques and work together as a team. The woodland area will provide a therapeutic environment where women are encouraged to be self-directed in their learning, building their confidence, self-esteem, team working skills, overall confidence, resilience and wellbeing.