Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards drama workshops for ex offenders.
Year of grant: 16/2/2015
FR Number: FR-0032002
Amount awarded: £1800
Location: GLASGOW
Full description
The grant will complete the funding required to deliver a drama project for female ex-offenders in Dundee. £5,400 has already been secured from Dundee Criminal Justice Services Women Offenders Department, which will also provide a venue. The project will be delivered by a Drama Artist and Assistant over the course of 8 weeks engaging with ex-offenders just released from prison or those at risk of being imprisoned. These women are often marginalised or socially excluded which leads to self-destructive behaviours. The aim is to break the cycle of re-offending using creative methods to break down barriers, improve the ex-offenders? confidence and resilience and provide coping mechanisms for struggling with mental health or social issues. This should result in fewer instances of self-harm or drug misuse which are prevalent amongst this group. 30 participant have been identified to take part.