Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards the cost of continuing the Women's Group.
Year of grant: 16/9/2014
FR Number: FR-0030903
Amount awarded: £1800
Full description
The grant requested is £1,800 which will contribute towards the total cost of running a Women?s Group, paying for one drop-in facilitator (£10 per hour for 3 hours each week for 52 weeks, total of £1,560); a contribution to the rent and utilities of a meeting room (£20 per month, total of £240); the remaining £120 for publicity will be met from New Horizon?s core budget. Costs are based on existing rates for facilitators and accommodation. The Group will meet weekly and a facilitator is essential for the Group to ensure it is provided and supported properly and safely. There will be 15 to 18 women beneficiaries, based on the 18 members who are registered with the Women?s Group at present. The project would run for one year from receipt of a grant.