Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards delivering meditation, cookery and mental health workshops.
Year of grant: 1/12/2018
FR Number: FR-0046874
Amount awarded: £9857
Full description
The grant will cover the salaries and fees for 6 part time Staff/sessional workers to deliver 38 sessions each of the following activities: Meditation and Mindfulness, Mental Health and Cookery (£6627.20), snacks and cookery ingredients for 3x 38 sessions (£2660) plus volunteer expenses (£570). This will be aimed at 80 young women referred to the youth project from the local High School and other local projects. For example: Meditation & Mindfulness sessions will be delivered by Herbspace in a yurt, which is in a local peaceful walled garden. Weekly cookery sessions will encourage healthy eating and employability skills for vulnerable young people.