Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
To cover the cost of running a healthy eating project
Year of grant: 15/3/2022
FR Number: FR-0061722
Amount awarded: £4857
Location: GLASGOW
Full description
The applicant is requesting grant monies to fund the Springburn Food Hub - Women's Health Programme. North Glasgow Community Food Initiative will deliver community food activity to promote healthy eating and help to prevent food poverty for 150 women within the Springburn / Robroyston Ward of the North East Glasgow area. The activities will include healthy eating workshops, cookery courses, and community meals, growing workshops and training in food hygiene, food and health, basic nutrition, health and safety, and gardening skills. The project aims to create momentum around healthy food, with activities for different women's groups, working with existing and new partners. They will make sure the work they do connects up, really engages women and motivates new activities and partnerships. Activities will take place in North Glasgow and the project will be overseen by Springburn?s Food Hub Manager. The project will commence in March and end in August 2022. The applicant estimates that 150 women aged 18 and above will directly stand to benefit from project activities.
This application represents a request of £4,857.00 which will contribute towards a wider project budget of £12,127.00. The breakdown of this grant request is as follows:
? Salary of Community Gardener at 5 hours per week (£15.92 per hour for 24 weeks) = £1,911.00
? Sessional cooks for cookery classes, community meals = £756.00
? Volunteer expenses, travel, REHIS training = £466.00
? Cookery costs, fruit & veg, gardening materials, venue hire = £1,244.00
? Office costs (Rent, Heat & Light, Phones, IT, Insurance) = £480.00