Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards employing a Researcher.
Year of grant: 29/3/2016
FR Number: FR-0036496
Amount awarded: £2000
Location: KIRKWALL
Full description
The grant will contribute towards the costs of a year?s research project to explore women's attitude to alcohol in Orkney and how this has shaped/is shaping the current excessive drinking culture. They will also investigate how, and to what extent, this perceived trend can be reversed. If this progression can be more clearly identified, then alcohol-related issues may more easily and accurately addressed and strategies developed to improve/alter services to better address newly-defined and/or previously hidden or ignored issues. An award would fund 50% of the salary costs for a researcher for one year (7 hours pw = 364 hrs @£11 - £4,004). Other funding applications have been submitted to support the shortfall in the total project cost including as application to the Orkney ADP Innovation Fund for £5,000. However, a decision on this funding is not likely to be made until mid-May. Direct beneficiaries will be OACAS, other service providers and the Health and Social Services authorities in Orkney who can use the information to help shape future services and provision. It is hoped it will provide a clearer understanding of how alcohol impacts on women and how, in turn, this impacts women's role in society and on the local drinking culture. In the longer term, this would positively impact on women?s health improvement in the area.