Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards running social events for BME women.
Year of grant: 16/2/2015
FR Number: FR-0032125
Amount awarded: £1500
Location: GLASGOW
Full description
The grant will fund venue hire, catering costs, marketing and advertising and wages and volunteers costs for five events, starting in March 2015, which will be organised by BME women, so allowing them to socialise, exchange skills, showcase their culture and learn business skills. The applicant ran a trial event in January which was attended by 70 women, followed by a survey monkey questionnaire, asking the target demographic whether they would attend future events and what activities they wished to be offered. 90% responded identifying health-based activities, keep fit classes and the chance to meet and socialise. Costs included are for venue hire (£400); food and catering (£600); marketing and advertising (£700); wages and volunteer expenses (£300). Marketing and advertising was calculated on the high side but could be reduced if necessary. It is estimated that 200 women will benefit in total.