Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards running training workshops for women in the Scottish Borders.
Year of grant: 28/4/2016
FR Number: FR-0036788
Amount awarded: £2000
Location: Whitsome
Full description
The grant will cover the costs of staff time for research and continual professional development (7hrs @ £25/hr = £175), delivery of 7 workshops (4hrs/workshop @ £25/hr = £700), evaluation for each workshop (2hrs/workshop @ £25/hr = £350), workshop preparation (1hr/workshop @ £25/hr = £175), 10hrs of general administration (@ £25/hr = £250) and venue and catering costs (£50/workshop = £350). The workshops will reach 50 women and reduce the stress and anxiety associated with the changes experienced, both physically and emotionally, and in family life while improving their health and wellbeing. They will deliver the workshops in targeted areas that are affected by high levels of deprivation where there is less information and support available to tackle issues relating to menopause and women are more likely to be negatively affected.