Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
To cover the cost of the Managers salary for 3 months due to loss of income from their charity shops and to allow the project to continue to support beneficiaries.
Year of grant: 23/4/2020
FR Number: FR-0052701
Amount awarded: £4461
Location: Edinburgh
Full description
We are looking to fund the salary of our manager during this period. All other staff have been furloughed to allow us to take advantage of the current government support available, however in order to keep our two services operational, our manager needs to remain at work.
Our manager is currently overseeing referrals to both our material and counselling services, assigning work to our volunteers, coordinating with the board, submitting emergency funding applications. As a qualified counsellor, she is also able to carry out initial assessments for new referrals, provide clinical support to our counsellors, and provide therapy when needed herself. She also continues to update our supporters through our social media channels and to act as our primary contact with referring agencies. If we are required to furlough her, unfortunately all of our services would need to cease to operate.
We are requesting funding to cover the cost of our manager's salary for the next three months.