Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards running a two day event: Women Living Well with the Impact of Cancer.
Year of grant: 5/8/2015
FR Number: FR-0033956
Amount awarded: £2000
Location: Glasgow
Full description
The grant would contribute towards facilitator fees (2 x facilitators at £766 each), course materials (£196) and marketing materials, such as (£296) to run a two day event in partnership with Brohn Cancer Care called ?Women Living Well with the Impact of Cancer?. The event is set in the picturesque Ardloch House and is aimed at providing physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellbeing support for women with breast, ovarian and/or cervical cancer. It will also provide information on self-care, relaxation, mindfulness, managing financial issues and healthy eating. This will be a free of charge, educational, residential course. There is currently a waiting list for this course and the organisation are hoping to run more of these in the near future.