Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to support to cost of providing self care kits to 65 vulnerable women
Year of grant: 9/10/2020
FR Number: FR-0054820
Amount awarded: £4899.9
Location: Inverness
Full description
The grant would enable the Libertie Project to use creative activities in a way that encourages women to recognise and build on the skills they have and explore possible routes out of the financial and emotional hardships they are facing and work towards a more positive future. Each participant would receive a DIY Self-care workbook and creative wellbeing pack 4 times during the project; revised each time. There would a combination of one to one support and online (or face to face as restrictions ease) group activities with opportunities to also develop creative digital skills. 65 women would benefit from the project.
Staff costs - Project Worker £1,200, Project Manager £1,700, Admin £500 £3,400.00
Creative wellbeing packs ? £8.43 per pack X 4 X 65 £ 2191.80
COVID compliant packaging/delivery of packs 4 X £42 £168.00
Printing self-care workbooks for 65 participants X 4 £640.00
Venue Hire for 10 events @ £100 £1,000.00