Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards delivering the Women in Textiles project.
Year of grant: 10/12/2018
FR Number: FR-0046848
Amount awarded: £9440
Full description
The grant will cover the cost of a Project Co-ordinator (£2,000) and Project Worker (£3,000) who will have the responsibility of delivering a 40 week (term time) programme of 6 upcycling textile workshops and 12 training workshops covering sewing/textile skills, product design, marketing/sales, financial management and communication; Volunteer Costs (£800) to cover refreshments at workshops and catering for a volunteering dinner event; Rental (£2160) contribution towards hire of studio space and space to deliver workshops; Insurance (£340); Workshop Materials (£700); Stationary (£200); Flyer/Poster/Banner (£240) these resources will be used to promote awareness of the workshops and to attract participants. The grant will allow the organisation to deliver a project working with 20 women from migrant and refugee communities increasing their skills and addressing isolation.