Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards purchasing five PCs.
Year of grant: 18/3/2015
FR Number: FR-0032321
Amount awarded: £800
Location: Dundee
Full description
A grant has been requested to purchase five new computers each costing £400. The computers will be used to offer on line support to people needing help from the organisation and will also be used to teach service users new IT skills. The applicant explained that traditionally, the organisation has offered telephone and drop in service support. However, many of their younger service users are more familiar with on line support, group chats and message board systems of communication. The organisation would like to extend their provision to provide this. They will also use the computers to run IT workshops to show women how to set up email accounts, use the internet and apply for jobs on line. They plan to run a series of 12 computer workshops and it is expected that 60 people will directly benefit.