Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards the Stramullion project.
Year of grant: 10/12/2018
FR Number: FR-0046910
Amount awarded: £9779
Location: Edinburgh
Full description
The grant will cover management costs (£889), provision of staff training for an ILM award in coaching (£3,760), Good Food Good Health training (£1,800) and hand reflexology (£1,000) and a venue for the training (£2,340). This will enable Rowan Alba to build on the skills of the existing staff team and enhance the support provided to vulnerable women. A total of 11 training places will be available to staff with 30 participants benefiting from the cooking and healthy eating sessions and 30 women will benefit from hand reflexology. In the first year 1 to 1 coaching sessions lasting 3 will be delivered to 9 women. In subsequent years this will rise to 12. Activities will take place in Edinburgh between January 2019 and January 2020.