Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards the cost of employing a sessional development staff member to run the "What Next" project.
Year of grant: 23/7/2014
FR Number: FR-0030556
Amount awarded: £1835
Location: Edinburgh
Full description
The grant will cover the costs of employing a sessional Development Worker who will deliver the ?What Next? programme. This programme will focus on 3 key themes; Climate change, Poverty and Employment ? which have been chosen based on consultations with current participants. The grant will cover sessional worker fees for 1 day a week over the course of two months, as well as admin costs (£100), room hire (£85 per day), catering (£70 per day) and workshop materials (£50 per day) for 3 workshops/events based around the 3 themes. The events aim to encourage the women to be confident enough to discuss topics and actively engage in ways to overcome challenges, such as building a CV or recycling in the local area. The Development worker will coordinate weekly sessions, liaise with relevant organisations and agencies to provide talks at each of the 3 day long events, and produce an evaluation report that will help Sashita shape delivery of future projects.