Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
To set up a mentorship programme where women with leadership experience and skills would support other women wishing to develop leadership skills and knowledge.
Year of grant: 8/4/2022
FR Number: FR-0061742
Amount awarded: £4596
Location: Erskine
Full description
Scottish Women in Sport are requesting grant monies to launch a pilot of their newly envisaged mentorship scheme. The scheme has been developed on recent research from the Observatory for Scottish Sport which highlighted the unacceptable disparity between the numbers of women in sport leadership roles in Scotland compared to men. The project will look to support 12-15 young women and guide them through a series of structured modules that help them with issues such as coping with stress, increasing resilience, and building a self-identity. The structure of the models will be as follows:
? Module 1: Identity
? Module 2: Stress: Coping & Control
? Module 3: Resilience
Women with leadership experience and skills will support the young women wishing to develop leadership skills and knowledge for themselves. They will help guide the participants through each module, which will be interactive and offer a positive learning and development space for the young women to challenge themselves. They hope this will be inspiring and empowering and develop strong young women within sport. Project activities will take place in Glasgow city centre, however, participation is open to women from across Scotland. Activities will commence in April 2022 and end in July 2022.
This application represents a request of £5,000.00 and this will cover the entire project budget. The breakdown of the budget is as follows:
? Staffing costs = £2,018.00
? Travel expenses for participants to go to Glasgow = £300.00
? Venue hire (city centre location to be confirmed) = £660.00
? Additional project costs (refreshments, materials) = £604.00
? Evaluation and administration costs = £1,418.00