Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
To cover the travel expenses that will enable women from outwith the central belt to attend the event.
Year of grant: 30/1/2014
FR Number: FR-0029057
Amount awarded: £1000
Location: Glasgow
Full description
The SWC organises an annual event in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament to celebrate International Women?s Day. Women from throughout Scotland are invited to register an interest in attending. The past 3 years has seen over 650 women register for 380
places. The activities undertaken on the day are; Lunch in the Garden Lobby; Speakers in the Debating Chamber ? this year?s event includes the Argentinean Ambassador to the UK; Evening reception in the Garden Lobby.The grant requested is £1,000. The SWC has limited funds and is therefore unable to offer full reimbursement to women travelling from many areas especially rural locations. Where there are groups of women from the same area travelling together (Dumfries and Lockerbie) minibuses / people carriers can be hired to assist with women with travel. Women travelling from far north of Scotland require bus / train / taxi fares depending on the distance. The grant will ensure that at least 35 women (approx 10% of attendees) will receive financial
support to allow them to participate in this unique event.