Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
To cover the cost of running employability sessions
Year of grant: 11/3/2022
FR Number: FR-0061757
Amount awarded: £5000
Location: DUNDEE
Full description
The applicant is requesting grant monies to support a series of employability sessions for 25 women aged 16-30. Shaper Caper?s ?Young Creatives? group will be the primary beneficiaries of this project and activities will be shaped around the success of the charity?s ?Body League Employability Programme? which ran during 2020/21. The project will involve a 12-month programme of activities which Shaper Caper will co-design with participants. Activities will include:
- Mentoring Sessions with industry professionals
- CV/Showreel workshops
- Trainings on video and music editing
- Employability workshops
The charity hope that all activities will bridge the gap between training and employment and help young women to learn important transferrable skills (social and civic competences, entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression and leadership). Project activities will take place at the Manhattan Centre Studios in Dundee and the programme will commence in March 2022.
Shaper Caper is requesting a grant of £5,000.00 which will go towards an overall project budget of £5,900.00. The breakdown of this grant request is as follows:
- Training sessions x 12 at £150 each = £1,800.00
- Staff Training (outsourced to an external provider) = £500.00*
- Mentoring sessions with industry professional 2 days for each participant = £600.00
- Company classes (on a range of topics) 6 sessions at £75 each = £450.00
- Studio Hire, 10 days at £125 pd (outsourced to Manhattan Works Studios) = £1,250.00
- Project Management = £400.00
*Please note ? The programme will include sessions on cultural awareness and expression. In order to deliver these to a high standard, the applicant is requesting monies to support anti-racism training for staff. This training was identified during a policy audit that Shaper Caper completed in 2021.