Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
The grant will contribute towards the costs of a full-time Social Media Manager post (£22,979) for 12 months and associated digital software platform (£3,000) and Admin & Management (£1,200) costs. This is an existing part-time role and the group is seeki
Year of grant: 16/12/2020
FR Number: FR-0054815
Amount awarded: £5000
Full description
We require funding toward the post of Social Media Manager and associated costs. Currently our staff are all working from home and we want to set up a digital forum to stay connected and to Identify opportunities to amplify the voices of the young Sikh people that we work with.Write, draft and edit news releases, blogs, case studies and other online content as well as email newsletters and other email communications. Social Media skills are very much needed to support to other members of staff with do not have digital/Social Media expertise. This will ensure that we as an organisation are in a position to continue our very valuable service to over 300 vulnerable people/groups/individuals.This will also allow Sikh Sanjog to to keep abreast of all information and support schemes/programmes that are issued by Third Sector and Scottish Government to ensure we are in a position to reopen our Social Enterprise.