Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards a full time office manager salary for 5 months.
Year of grant: 13/4/2015
FR Number: FR-0032928
Amount awarded: £2000
Full description
The grant will contribute to the annual salary costs (£19,000) of a newly appointed full-time manager. The organisation has been able to privately fundraise to cover the first two month?s salary and is hoping that this express grant will cover June/July salary costs while several other grants are assessed including: Awards for All, Crerar Hotels and Martin Connell Trust. For the last six months Smart Works has been supported by a paid administrator for 8 hours p. week and a team of 25 volunteers to provide a service 3 days p. week. However, a manager is now needed to run the service 5 days p. week to increase accessibility; support volunteers; develop and strengthen relationships with referral agencies; seek business sponsorship and fundraise.